cant believe i missed this one! absolutely loved it, great job to everyone <3
cant believe i missed this one! absolutely loved it, great job to everyone <3
Tysm ^_^
Thanks Kehmicle
wow this is great!
I like the crunchy sound effects, screen vibration effect from attacks, and the artwork in general is supreme and the music that comes through the dark ambience really fits the theme and improves immersion.
my only complaint is the harshness of the Low Health sound. This will be an amazing game.
Thank you :,D Im glad that you liked it, Gonna change the low health sfx hahaha
this game is piss
Piss comes from the urethra not the ass
No this game is shit
@piss has a birthday coming up soon. Ima make him a cake
Mmmmmmm in the mouth
The Piss Game
i’ll piss on ur mouth
a masterpiece, simply.
writing commissions when?
i can write FNF fanfiction for u !-
"then bf farted in her mouth and gf swalowed the WHOLE fart, then she felt sick...."
Pretty cute stuff, lots of original art, photos, and music. Just seems like theres something missing. Maybe have a time limit to look through things then have a quiz to say whats been going on with roxy? Somewhat like a detective experience. I think that would really improve and finalize this style. You could even combine files on a desktop with items on a desk to have multiple clue sources
Thanks for playing!
All of these things were ideas we had when we first started working on it actually. Originally the player was going to be an investigator, looking through Roxy's files within a set time limit, but the amount of programming required for all of the different features we wanted to implement ended up being a bit too ambitious for a two week game jam, so then we scaled it back and it became more of a slice of life thing. (As the writer for this, I know I'm better at writing those sorts of scenarios anyway, and I also wasn't sure if I could come up with an airtight mystery in two weeks while making art too)
Thank you for playing!
Bleak hit the nail on the head here - we did have a more game-y approach early on, but the more laid-back approach was much more suiting as the art and story started to take shape.
I played this way to late at night! super scary but I had a lot of fun playing it. the glitch effects are really nice too! very terrifying noise really makes you want to hurry up and run away. What a thrill! Keep up the great work!
THANKS!!!! :))))
WASD moves both, but very cool style!
Thanks for the feedback.
Great job man! Im really interested in tower defence / RTS game development so this was exciting to see made!
Thanks for playing this!
I might actually do either a tower defense game or a MOBA next (singleplayer of course)
Absolutely wicked game, totally enjoyed every moment of playing it, the controls were very smooth the musics good, everythings great. But it seemed to freeze during the hank fight where he turns into a tornado.
I'm not too sure why it would do that! But I'm glad you had fun otherwise.
Great flash! that voice really engages the player to keep going! Also those juicy medal achievements! Nice simple graphics, perfectly working smooth code!
My own voice works pretty well with my own games apparently hmm, should maybe make this a thing... thank you!
Game Programmer, Music Producer, Analog Glitch Artist
Age 26
Joined on 2/12/09