Needs Music. Needs more sounds. Could use maybe moving platforms or something that requires more than one animation. Graphics are pretty nice. This shouldnt be one level only, try to increase playing time.
Needs Music. Needs more sounds. Could use maybe moving platforms or something that requires more than one animation. Graphics are pretty nice. This shouldnt be one level only, try to increase playing time.
I dont get any of the ads. Yall need to start using AdblockPlus. the game was great.
Thanks for playing... I'm glad you liked it!
turned out pretty well. Good story. Enjoyed working on this one. I Gotta get a better mic for next time tho.
Edit 2024: Nice new thumbnail!
addictive but simple! I enjoyed this game. Graphics and sound could improve this.
i really enjoyed this. played for a while and considered it worth my time. the music is repetetive but doesnt get too annoying and i like that it has a working leaderboard system. The background is nice but the bullets and money signs are a bit hard to see.
i dont really get it. its not an RPG by any means and the graphics could use some work. The player being the small blue one or the big yellow one is unclear and hard to play when you dont know who you are. The animations are good.
not bad. a nice proof of concept. A better GUI and maybe some sounds or at least music would help you improve this. strangely addicting. keep the gameplay idea.
wow, powerful stuff.
nice job this sounds like spore music and is really nice. you must have did your homework :)
Game Programmer, Music Producer, Analog Glitch Artist
Age 26
Joined on 2/12/09